Doomlord Wiki


Mage Tower 8, Epic Monument 1

Maximum Level


Total Cost

12.95m SE


Enables access to new skills

Leads To

Magic Hut, Necrofun Focus, Tower of Power, Torture Chamber, Hall of War

The academy allows you to learn new skills. After each level of the academy you are able to increase your learning skill by 2, so at level 1 academy to 32, at level 2 to 34 etc.

The skills that you can learn after upgrading the academy are:

Learning Level Academy Level Skill
32 1 Oblivion
34 2 Hatred of diamond
34 2 Hatred of ruby
34 2 Hatred of emerald
34 2 Hatred of sapphire
36 3 Critical Spell
38 4 Horde making
40 5 Transplantation
41 6 Detect traps
41 6 Climbing
41 6 Pick locks
42 6 Secondary spell
44 7 Disadvanced Development
44 7 Energy harness
46 8 Magical regeneration
48 9 Manaconstruction
50 10 Ultraspecialisation
56 13 Expert Hunt
60 15 Epic Specialization

Level Cost Cumulative Cost
1 200000


2 215000 415000
3 250000


4 300000 965000
5 365000 1330000
6 450000 1780000
7 555000 2335000
8 680000 3015000
9 820000 3835000
10 985000 4820000
11 1170000 5990000
12 1375000 7365000
13 1605000 8970000
14 1855000 10825000
15 2125000 12950000
